Adoption of the
with a French mission
ESG insurer
CODIR scaled

What's a mission-driven company?

Being a company with a mission means asserting its mission, its role in society, through its articles of association.
It means demonstrating the usefulness of your company.
Companies with a mission must declare a raison d'être that can be broken down into several objectives.

Why did we become a mission-driven company?

As an active player in the field of supplementary social protection, with a strong commitment to joint dialogue and risk prevention, this change in status will reinforce our culture and our uniqueness.
It's a further commitment we're making, and one we'll be taking on board with our customers, insurers and service providers.
This is a structuring step in our commitment to society, as we have decided to go beyond our role as a broker-advisor by encouraging our entire ecosystem to adhere to our approach.

Our raison d'être

To develop innovative, high-impact solutions and services that contribute to the social performance of companies and the well-being of insured people.

Our raison d'être is expressed through 4 objectives :

For protected persons

by being a platform for innovation and aggregation of services to make their lives easier

With employers

by supporting them in their social role and assisting them in social dialogue with their employees

With government, employers and professional bodies

to advance the public debate on social protection and improve its efficiency

With the ecosystem

to generate a positive social and environmental impact

Our carbon footprint

Our carbon footprint

ecovadis sustainability notation

Our CSR commitments

Key points:

  • Our approach is global, integrating all stakeholders such as the company, policyholders, employees, the insurance ecosystem and society as a whole. We take everyone's interests into account to offer holistic solutions.
  • Thanks to our ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) reference system, we enable each customer to choose an insurer that corresponds to the values and sensitivities of their employees.
  • Our educational approach is designed to enable our policyholders to make informed use of their supplementary health insurance. We provide them with appropriate tools, such as an out-of-pocket expenses simulator, to help them make informed decisions about their health cover.
  • Because prevention is essential, we place prevention and services at the heart of our developments. We firmly believe that prevention is better than cure, which is why we relay prevention campaigns and offer complementary services to promote the health and well-being of your employees.

We're proud of these key aspects of our approach, which demonstrate our commitment to our customers and our desire to create comprehensive, responsible solutions that focus on individual needs.

To find out more about how we're achieving our goals, follow us on LinkedIn, where we regularly publish information related to our status as a company with a mission.