Gerep’s coverage for dependents

Written by Margaux VB |  Posted on 30/09/2013

With the increase in life expectancy, more and more people are either directly or indirectly affected by this topic.

There are figures to prove this: Forecasts show that the number of dependent people is set to increase by 50% between 2000 and 2040 to reach 1.2 million people* between 2000 and 2040

The costs for dependents vary on average between 1 000 and 2 500 € per month. Unfortunately, the A.P.A. (Personalised Social Independence) which is paid by the State is often not enough (up to a maximum of 1 189.80 € per month).

Dependency can become a heavy burden for your loved ones to have to bear. Your offspring are required to pay for the costs of dependency as and when it arises.

We can offer you a way of protecting yourself against the risk of losing your independence with a payment of a life annuity if a situation involving partial or complete dependency occurs.

How does this work ?

There are 7 different levels of cover :

  • A tax exempt monthly annuity of 150 € to 1 050 € for partial dependency
  • A tax exempt monthly annuity of 300 € to 2 100 € for complete dependency

Capital initial expenditure : up to 10 500 €

Age limit for application : before the 76th birthday

Excess : payment starts 3 months after dependency has been confirmed

Waiting periods :

  • in the case of an accident : none,
  • in the case of illness : 12 months,
  • in the case of a neurodegenerative illness : 36 months

If dependency should arise during this period, then contributions will be reimbursed and the contract will be terminated.

Medical requirements : declaration of Health, Health questionnaire where a positive answer is given in the declaration of Health.

Review of benefits and contributions : these are re-evaluated each year based on the AGIRC index.

After the contract has been in force for 8 years, cover is accepted even if you no longer contribute as and when dependency becomes recognised. In this case, cover is based on the contribution period.

Promotion  – 10 % off the contribution amount if your partner applies at the same time and for the same level of cover (same plan and same option)

Cover is progressive based on your level of dependency and is determined by the number of Daily Actions (AVQ) which require assistance by a third party.

Definition of the 6 actions in daily life (AVQ) :

  • Washing : ability to achieve a level of bodily hygiene which is in line with normal everyday standards.
  • Dressing : ability to dress and undress oneself.
  • Feeding : ability to feed oneself and to eat prepared and available food.
  • Continence : ability to ensure hygienic urinary and anal excretion including the use of surgical protections and devices.
  • Movement : ability to move about on a flat surface inside the home or to leave the home in case of a dangerous situation arising.
  • Transfer : ability to move from the bed to a chair or armchair and vice versa.
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Post written by
Margaux Vieillard-Baron

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